know your mind and you and intellect – Mind is helpful to be in celibacy


Advertising’s Image of Women – What is the reality

Don’t be attracted by so nice looking models picture – check how they made this photos

advertisement company encourage for sex. Why? they want to sale products

like condom companies

advertisement company encourage for sex. Why? they want to sale products

advertisement company encourage for sex. Why? they want to sale products

sexual desire of man is not make them lion it make them dog



sexual desire of man is not make them lion it make them dog

sexual desire of man is not make them lion it make them dog

celibacy is helmet – wear it to protect your life

celibacy is helmet

celibacy is helmet

Before marriage kissing and after marriage Bip bip bip

kissing before marriage

kissing before marriage

touching before marriage
touching before marriage

fight after marriage
fight after marriage

fight after marriage
fight after marriage

Married man’s situation is like sugarcane who crunch into sugarcane juice machine

Married man’s situation is like oil-pressing mill bullock – before marriage after marriage

before marriage after marriage

Before marriage man think I do lot of sex with wife, I do sex when i want, I give order to her, I get good food, I get warmth; assistance; shelter


how girl attract boy – BOYS Are Made Fool Easily By GIRLS